
原名:安達としまむら   又名:樱与抱月

状态:12集全   更新:2024-01-23 08:01:03

安达樱(鬼头明里 配音)是学校里公认的不良少女,常常逃课偷懒。这一天,安达照例翘掉了无聊的体育课,却在体育馆二楼遇见了同样也翘了课的岛村抱月(伊藤美来 配音)。就这样,两个本来并不是太熟的女生开始了她们的交往,两人一起聊天、打保龄球、唱卡拉OK,她们都发现对方的身上有着和自己惊人相似的个性,喜好和对事物的看法也空前的一致。   随着时间的推移,安达发现自己的眼神总是不受控制的锁定在岛村的身上,后者的一举一动竟然能让自己脸红心跳芳心大动,安达明白,自己对岛村怀有的感情早已经超越了友谊。那么,对于两人的关系,岛村是怎么想的呢?The second floor of the gym - this was where we always met. It was class time, but of course, there weren't any classes going on in a place like this. This was where Shimamura and I became friends. We hung out here, talking about TV shows and cooking, playing some ping pong. This is where we fostered our friendship. Keeping my head propped against the wall, I let out a small sigh. What was this feeling? Yesterday, I dreamed of me and Shimamura kissing. Not that I'm like that. I'm sure Shimamura isn't either. It's not even something worth repeating myself about, but really, it's not like that.
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