
原名:ゼーガペイン   又名:ZEGAPAIN

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-23 09:01:27

十冻京(浅沼晋太郎 配音)是一名活泼善良的高中生,担任着游泳部部长的职务,对生活和学习充满了热情。某日,十冻京偶然邂逅了名为三崎紫雫乃(川澄绫子 配音)的转校生,却没想到这场邂逅改变了十冻京的人生,亦改变了整个世界前进的轨道。   一场意外令十冻京被卷入了机器人之间的激烈战斗之中,温柔体贴的守凪了子(花泽香菜 配音)、学生会会长岛(坪井智浩 配音)和副会长港(井上麻里奈 配音)皆未能幸免,日常的校园生活被打破,非日常的危险与敌人接连来袭,在一场又一场九死一生的战斗之中,一个关于“现实世界”和“虚拟世界”的秘密渐渐露出了真正面目。Sogoru Kyo is a normal high school student with great passion for the things he holds dear. In fact, his love for swimming is so great he is attempting to single-handedly keep the team alive. However, his life takes an unexpected twist when meets a strange girl at the pool whose existence shows him an enemy force that is threatening the very existence of humanity. These beings known as GARDS-OMS seek to eliminate humanity and take Earth for their own. His choice is to live as he has been, or take a place in the cockpit of a mecha to stop the extinction of humanity. They often say the truth will set you free, but in this case the truth may destroy Kyo and leave his beloved hometown without the hero it so desperately needs.