
原名:손 : The Guest   又名:客

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-23 08:01:52

该剧以驱邪为题材,讲述了以奇异力量对抗犯罪势力的巫师、司祭和刑警之间的追击战。   金材昱将饰演辅佐招魂者的祭司崔允,他没有太多情感,总是表现得很冷漠,性格如水般平静,是一个“看似没有人情味”的人物。   金东旭将饰演能够看到恶灵的灵媒尹华平,因被恶灵附身后失去了母亲和奶奶 ,他能感受到普通人无法感受到的特别的能力,而他将是三位主角中灵异能力最强的一位。   郑彩恩将饰演不相信恶灵的刑警姜吉英,起初她也不相信恶灵的存在和驱魔,但与 尹华平、崔允一起追捕一系列的犯罪分子后逐渐感受其存在,并开始面对过去发生在自己身上的事实真相。’Crimes caused by mysterious powers take place. A psychic, a Catholic priest and a detective fight against these crimes. Yoon Hwa Pyung is the psychic. He was born to a shaman family. Hwa Pyung seeks out those possessed by evil spirits and attempts to expel the evil spirits. Choi Yoon is the Catholic priest. He is cynical and cool-headed. He doesn't like having relationships with others. He is recognized for his abilities as an exorcist. Kang Kil Young is the detective. She doesn't believe in evil spirits or exorcisms, but her views change because of Choi Yoon and Hwa Pyung.