
原名:唐宫美人天下   又名:美人天下

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-23 06:01:33

唐朝高宗年间,李治(郑国霖饰)继位。武则天(张庭饰)登基之前,在争权夺利的后宫之中发生大规模宫女失踪事件,各种离奇诡异的事件相继发生。武媚娘入宫不久就产下一女,被封为武昭仪,独宠后宫。武氏随即开始谋划夺后之位,并设下连环圈套陷害皇后。与皇后曾经青梅竹马的戏法师明崇俨(明道饰)试图入宫查找真相,而与皇后义结金兰的姐妹贺兰心儿(李小璐饰)也卷入其中。在无休止的争夺和尔虞我诈中,没有一个人是单纯干净的,步步为营的谋划实际上就是事关生死的步步惊心。   本部古装宫廷大戏,集悬疑与爱情于一身,尽显其戏剧张力。本剧是《美人心计》的姊妹篇,更有众多一线明星加盟,如杨幂、佟丽娅、王丽坤等,为本戏增色不少。The mysterious death of Wu Mei Niang's newborn daughter sparked a vicious rumor that it was a murder committed by the childless Empress Wang Ni Jun. To help clear the Empress' name, her former lover Ming Chong Yan and her old friend Helan Xin Er came to palace to investigate the mysterious death. They soon found out that the child's death was only the tip of the iceberg to a sinister plot to usurp control of the palace. The drama is split into three sections according to Chinese mythological characters of man, ghost, and demon.
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