
原名:Take This Waltz   又名:爱我,还是他(台) / 跳一支华尔兹

状态:BD中字   更新:2023-08-27 12:08:28

玛格特(米歇尔·威廉姆斯 Michelle Williams 饰)是一个二十八岁的家庭主妇,和世界上大部分家庭主妇们一样,玛格特和丈夫罗(塞斯·罗根 Seth Rogen 饰)过着平静而又稳定的生活,同时,一种精神上的空虚和失落也在慢慢侵蚀玛格特的内心。一次偶然中,玛格特结识了英俊帅气的丹尼尔(卢克·科比 Luke Kirby 饰),一种奇妙而又激烈的感情猛然击中了两人的内心,一段充满了罪恶感却又无法控制的关系就此展开。   相爱后的玛格特和丹尼尔不仅常常见面,丹尼尔更是和罗成为了好友,三人的关系里充满了激情和变数。纸终究包不住火,当事实浮出水面后,每一个人都要为自己所做过的事情付出责任。While on a plane ride back to Toronto from a writing assignment, Margot meets Daniel, a handsome stranger. An immediate attraction is formed and Margot is able to open up and discuss some of her fears and longings. A taxi ride back home causes Daniel and Margot to realize that they are neighbours and Margot admits she's married. The summer-time heat and her increasing fascination with the handsome artist who lives across the street starts getting to her, and Margot is no longer sure if she's happy in her marriage or if she'd be happier with her fantasies with Daniel.
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