
原名:Sven Khoon Maaf   又名:

状态:HD   更新:2023-08-27 11:08:33

印度某地,少年阿伦自幼父母双亡,多亏好心的大叔大婶收养方得健康成长。不过在他的心中,恩情最深的莫过于他那美丽的女主人苏珊娜(Priyanka Chopra 饰)。苏珊娜是一名继承了万贯家产的贵族,她善良美丽,颇为下人们敬仰爱戴,但是她的婚姻却充满着不幸。第一任丈夫嫉妒成性,第二任丈夫又沉湎毒品不能自拔,第三任丈夫则有着常人无法理喻得怪僻性习。在苏珊娜悲惨的一生中,她先后嫁了6任丈夫,每一任都给她留下了无法弥合的创伤,而每一任又都以意外死亡落幕。   爱慕苏珊娜的阿伦(Vivaan Shan 饰)见证着主人的悲剧,见证着一个平凡女人的坚忍与脆弱,幸福与痛苦……After the passing of his Pondicherry-born mentor, Susanna, Mumbai-based Dr. Arun Kumar Singh narrates his story to his wife, Nalini. With photographs from an old album that he has never shared with anyone, he informs her as to how Susanna caught him stealing; got him to quit his job & enrolled in a Panchgani school, as well as arranged for further education in St. Petersburg. While Susanna herself searched for true love and her marriages with six deceased men - including the abusive Major Edwin Rodrigies; drug-addicted and womanizer guitarist-singer Jamshed Singh Rathore; impotent and abusive Mohammad Wasiullah Khan; bigamist/spy Nicolai Vronski; Inspector Keemat Lal; and Dr. Modhusodon Tarafdar - men who influenced her life, broke her heart - and met with sudden and mysterious deaths.
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