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影片开始,我们看到头缠白布的汤姆待在阁楼里。他正用一台放映机放送录影带,里面是历年来他和小冤家杰瑞各种追逐战的集锦,里面包括了扬基鼠、丧失记忆的猫、天堂猫等许多经典短片中的精彩镜头。看到自己如此遭殃的模样,汤姆自然气不打一处来,可是他还是认真地在关键部分停下来,倒带反复观看,并认真做笔记。正在这时,杰瑞抱着一大桶爆米花走出来,端坐在阁楼中央一同观看,见到好玩的段落自然放声大笑。   为了彻底除掉这个讨厌的对手,汤姆设计了一套极其复杂的猎鼠装置。杰瑞命在旦夕,他绝不会束手就擒,坐以待毙……Tom watches and studies films of some of his earlier encounters with Jerry, much like game films; he runs them backwards and stops them so he can study them more closely, all the while scribbling notes. Jerry pulls up a box of popcorn and watches, too. Tom notices Jerry and chases him into his hole. Tom designs a better mousetrap, but Jerry alters the plans, so it doesn't work any better than it did the first time the footage was used, in Designs on Jerry (1955).
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