
原名:SK∞ エスケーエイト   又名:SK8 / SK8 the Infinity / SK EIGHT

状态:12集全   更新:2024-01-23 08:01:19

喜屋武历(畠中祐 配音)是一位非常热爱滑板运动的少年,对于名为“S”的滑板竞技比赛格外的热衷,一次偶然中,历和名为驰河兰加(小林千晃 配音)的加拿大转学生一起参加了被称为“BEEF”的滑板决斗,就此被卷入了一段疯狂的经历之中。   年纪虽小但实力可怖的知念实也(永冢拓马 配音)、无论是外形还是性格都充满了反叛精神的比嘉广海(三宅健太 配音)、身份神秘技术高超的樱屋敷薫(绿川光 配音)、虽然身形庞大却有着惊人速度的南城虎次郎(松本保典 配音),在比赛中,历和加兰结识了一群和他们志同道合的好友们,也遇见了不容小觑的劲敌。Reki, a high school sophomore and skater, is addicted to \"S,\" a highly secret and dangerous downhill skateboarding race that takes place in an abandoned mine. The skaters are especially wild about the \"beefs,\" or heated battles that erupt in the races. Reki takes Langa, a transfer student returning to Japan after studying abroad, to the mine where the races are held. Langa, who has no skateboarding experience, finds himself pulled into the world of \"S\".
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