
原名:ニセコイ   又名:Nisekoi

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-23 08:01:29

自称有着大众脸的高中生一条乐(内山昂辉 配音),其实是著名流氓帮派“集英组”头目的独子,他本想过上平凡人的生活,直到一个美少女转校生桐崎千棘(东山奈央 配音)的出现,他们的命运自此向不可预料的方向发展。   这位金发碧眼的混血儿转校生,原来是美国黑帮“蜂巢”老大的千金,为了双方家族能和睦相处,一条乐和千棘必须假装成一对恋人。个性不合的二人,心不甘情不愿地开始了他们的“甜蜜”生活。在打打闹闹的交往中,千棘渐渐喜欢上了一条乐,而一条乐却一直暗恋着同班女生小野寺(花泽香菜 配音),但因为各种原因无法与之心意相通。这对校园三角恋,因为黑帮和警察的介入,越发不受控制……Raku Ichijou is an average high school student. He also happens to be the sole heir to the head of a Yakuza Family called the Shuei-gumi. Ten years ago, Raku made a promise... a secret promise with a girl he met. They promised one another that they will "get married when they reunite." Since then, Raku never let go of the pendant the girl gave him. Then one day, a beautiful girl named Chitoge Kirisaki transfers into Raku's class. Their chemistry was more than off. There was not a moment where they were not fighting. But by a weird turn of events, Raku and Chitoge agree to become fake lovers. Although his heart is really interested in his classmate Kosaki Onodera, Raku must continue pretending to be Chitoge's boyfriend.