3月的狮子 后篇

原名:3月のライオン 後編   又名:三月的狮子 后篇 / March Comes In Like A Lion 2

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-23 06:01:09

《3月的狮子》改编自羽海野千花的同名畅销漫画。电影分为前篇和后篇,后篇主要讲述了主人公对“未来”的展望:他将与他所爱的人开始全新的生活。在遇到了邻居家的三姐妹一年后,桐山零的生活已经开始变化,他逐渐意识到了从小被封存于内心的真实的自我。在将棋之外,桐山零开始接触一个崭新而温暖的世界。在将棋比赛中,他与拥有惊人天赋、强烈热衷于将棋的专业选手厮杀,在生活中,他获得了邻居姐妹给予的家的温暖,这样的温暖如同阳光一般照耀着他,桐山零坚冰一样的内心逐渐融化。将棋比赛与温馨家庭,让他在生活充实的同时也学会了爱。With friendship of other shogi players and the care of the Kawamoto sisters, Kiriyama Rei's frozen heart melts as he starts to truly appreciate shogi and the world he lives in. However, the Kawamoto sisters begin to face the troubles of bullying and the return of their unwelcome father. Determined to protect the sisters from getting hurt, Rei decides to rise to the top as a professional player and face the god of shogi of this era, Soya Toji.
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