
原名:Long Weekend   又名:Long Weekend / 自然的坟墓

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-23 08:01:49

皮特(James Caviezel 饰)和卡拉(Claudia Karvan 饰)是一对生活在澳大利亚的年轻夫妇,他们的生活优渥,然而两人却因种种原因感情失和,婚姻濒临破裂。皮特为弥合这段感情,决定利用周末带着妻子去莫娜海滩度假。   他们的旅程从一开始便不顺利,卡拉抱怨皮特花钱浪费,大手大脚;皮特则话里话外暗含讥讽。夜路行车,夫妇俩失去原有方向,阴差阳错来到一片未知的海滩。这里风光秀美,渺无人烟,这让他们始终绷紧的神经暂时得以舒缓。当然,这种轻松感觉并未持续多久,夫妇俩的矛盾依然存在。在接下来的时光,两人各自为营,绝少共行,争吵攻讦频频。与此同时,这片宛若人间仙境的海滩似乎又隐藏着不为人知的危险,夫妇俩的假期终于变成了恶梦……Peter and Carla have a wasted marriage and constant friction. Peter buys expensive camping gear and, despite the protests of Carla, insists they travel with their dog Cricket to camp on the isolated Moondah Beach in the North Coast with his friend Luke and his girlfriend during the rainy holiday. Peter stops in a pub at the Eggleston Hotel and leaves a message for Luke with the owner of the pub. When Peter takes what he believes to be shortcut to the beach, he gets lost and the couple spends the night sleeping in their SUV. The next morning, Peter organizes the campsite and their intrusion into and abuse of the natural environment begins. During the two days, the couple's relationship deteriorates while the nature avenges the bad treatment the couple has inflicted upon it.
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