
原名:Lend a Paw   又名:借一只爪

状态:DVD   更新:2024-01-23 07:01:30

白雪覆盖的郊外,憨直的普鲁托正将身体和鼻子贴在雪地上,他仔细地嗅着,寻找可能藏在雪底下的食物。正在这时,他听到一声声急切而稚嫩的小猫呼救声。原来在尚未封冻小河中央,一只刚出生不久的小猫被人装进布袋里,扎紧口后残忍地扔进河里,打算将其溺死。普鲁托不明就里,将袋子捞了上来。湿漉漉的小猫并未注意到普鲁托疑惑厌恶的神情,反而对救了她的大狗格外亲近。当然普鲁托可不是那么低姿态的狗狗,他傲慢地赶走小猫,趾高气昂回到家中,谁知小猫竟然也跟了回来。可是当看到主人米老鼠对小猫的喜爱之情,普鲁托再也无法掩饰内心的嫉妒,他灵魂中罪恶的一面占了上风……   本片荣获1942年奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画短片奖。Winter. Pluto is sniffing around outside when he hears a noise. It's coming from a bag floating on an ice floe in a creek. Pluto rescues it, then loses interest when it turns out to be a kitten. But the kitten follows him home, and Mickey takes a liking to it, to Pluto's disgust. Pluto's devil and angel sides give him conflicting advice. Pluto puts the cat up to mischief, but Bianca the goldfish fingers Pluto as the real culprit, getting him thrown outside. The kitten falls into a well, and the angel beats up the devil, convincing Pluto to save the kitten.
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