
原名:巷説百物語   又名:京極夏彥 巷說百物語/Kousetsu Hyaku Monogatari

状态:更新至第13集已完结   更新:2023-08-27 12:08:32

原是生驹屋少主的山冈百介(关俊彦 配音),因着迷于奇闻怪谈而放弃了祖业,成为一个云游四方的作家,收集各种怪谈故事撰写《巷说百物语》。在一个雨夜,他遇到了一个神秘的三人组:擅长骗术的御行师——又市先生(中尾隆圣 配音),擅长操纵玩偶的傀儡师——阿银小姐(小林沙苗 配音)以及擅长鸟寄的模仿师——长耳先生(若本规夫 配音)。他们行踪飘忽,随时出现又随时消失,他们现身之处往往流传着神秘诡异的灵异事件。因缘巧合之下,百介跟随他们进入了黑暗世界中,见证了一系列诡异的事件。而这些怪谈故事,也就为他撰写《百物语》提供了素材。 百介所经历的种种事件中,里面的“鬼怪”往往是日常生活中扭曲的人性所变成的。三人组用他们独有的手段将那些人性罪恶暴露于人前。©豆瓣Tired of writing riddles for children, Yamaoka Momosuke plans on gathering spooky and gruesome stories and publishing them in an anthology called Hyakumonogatari ("One Hundred Tales"). While researching these old myths and legends he comes across a mysterious trio who call themselves the Ongyou. They are detectives who are investigating the legends to reveal their truths...and bring those in the wrong to justice. Each time Momosuke meets the Ongyou he must face horrible truths and battle with his morals, but he's seeing things he shouldn't be seeing.
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