
原名:내 아이디는 강남미인   又名:My ID is Gangnam Beauty / 내 ID는 강남미인

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-23 08:01:36

该剧改编自同名网络漫画,讲述从小因为长相丑陋而受欺凌的女主角在整容后,以为能够过上新生活,却在进入大学后经历与梦想中完全不同的挫败,在过程中找到真爱的故事。Kang Mi-Rae longed for a normal lifestyle. She had a timorous personality due to her so-called ugly appearance. She decided to undergo plastic surgery after being bullied because of her looks. A freshman at the university, people are still mean to her and call her "Gangnam plastic monster". Her hardships never seem to end. Meanwhile, Do Kyung-Seok attends the same university who does not judge people by their appearance.