原名:ゲーマーズ!   又名:Gamers!

状态:12集全   更新:2024-01-23 08:01:41

“……和我交往,试着加入游戏部怎样 ?”   兴趣是游戏,除此之外毫无显眼的特征,仅仅是个龙套的游戏玩家雨野景太,某天突然被学园第一的美少女,游戏部部长天道花怜搭话了。由此开始,景太的日常为之一转,开始了与喜爱游戏的美少女们共度的恋爱喜剧展开的日子……本以为如此!?   只有游戏的价值观不同,特立独行的女子玩家星之守千秋。班上的中心人物,虽然有女友却私下里爱好游戏的残念现充上原祐。祐的女友,毫无游戏知识的亚玖璃。将这些人物一并卷入,重复着互相误会、徒劳无功、陷入迷途,乱成一团的游戏玩家们带来的“擦肩而过青春错综系恋爱喜剧”开幕!This is a story that revolves around certain students and one hobby. Amano Keita is our lonely protagonist who has a passion for gaming and is friends with Uehara Tasuku, who is secretly a fellow gamer and is someone who believes his life is perfect. We also have Karen Tendou, the club president of the video games club and Chiaki Hoshinomori, who constantly bickers with Keita. This is a story filled with a non-stop sequence of comedy scenes and misunderstandings. Our chaotic romantic comedy now begins.
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