
原名:Chicken Little   又名:

状态:26播放   更新:2023-08-23 05:08:48

我们的故事发生在一个安静祥和的农庄。农场里生活着许多家禽,母鸡们聚在一起唱歌跳舞,聊天享受,尽情挥霍仿佛没有止境的快乐时光。鸭子们凑成一团赌马玩乐,快活非常。就在此时,狡猾的狐狸偷偷潜入农场外围,他希望能杀进去大快朵颐,但是猎人的防范十分严密,而那些有身份有地位的家禽又都不是那么好对付的。为了取得成功,狐狸熟读心理学,最终选择先从心理素质最差的小鸡仔下手。他制造一连串的天灾假象,警告他天马上就要塌了。小鸡仔被吓破了胆,他飞奔回鸡舍,将这个可怕的消息在大众中传播。然而最具声望的大公鸡洛基很快平息了慌乱,农庄恢复正常。狡猾狐狸不会就此罢休,他选择从爱传八卦的母鸡那里下手……It's a peaceful day at the local poultry farm until Foxy Loxy happens along intent on a chicken dinner. He takes the advice of a book on psychology by striking "the least intelligent" first and convinces dim witted Chicken Little the sky is falling. Chicken Little spreads the word but when head man Cocky Locky proves the story to be false, Foxy Loxy spreads rumors that Cocky Locky isn't the smart chicken he appears to be, which leads to the ultimate undoing of the chickens at the hands of Foxy Loxy.
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