犯罪现场调查:迈阿密 第七季

原名:CSI: Miami   又名:犯罪现场迈阿密篇 第七季 / 鉴证行动组:迈阿密 第七季

状态:10   更新:2023-08-23 02:08:44

本剧集并非《犯罪现场CSI》,香港将这两套剧集分别译为《灭罪鉴证科》(CSI)和《鉴证行动组》(CSI Miami),后者是继《CSI犯罪现场》影集走红后,延伸其故事背景但主角、场景推陈出新并有别于《CSI犯罪现场》的影集,由大卫卡鲁素、艾蜜莉普克特、亚当罗德立克、罗瑞考克兰主演。本剧自从在美国三大电视网之一的哥伦比亚(CBS)播出以来,就赢得高收视率及良好口碑的评价,并且还下创收视新高,成为过去八年中所有无线电视台影集中收视率最高淖髌贰S斜鹩凇禖SI犯罪现场》的主要场景城市--拉斯维加斯,本剧集场景发生在佛罗里达州的迈阿密,以当地办案人员为故事主轴,描写他们是如何地透过高科技的辅助,以及巨细靡遗的传统办案手法,破解一个又一个待解的刑案。Told that Horatio, Kyle and Julia are dead, the team is determined to find out how. Blood on the plane belonged to convict Brett Hansen's, killed the day before. It is traced to Miguel Diaz, recently released from prison. Miguel, a Juan Ortega ammo gang member, confesses to taking a picture to stage the murder. The team believes that agent Evan Caldwell killed Horatio, but Ryan confirms his protestations that he is following secret orders: from Horiatio, who protects Kyle at any cost, calling markers to trap evil step-dad Ron Saris. On a gangland ride, a virtual death sentence unless he talks, Ortega claims the power balance is shifting. He escapes during a money transport hold-up using fused alloy ammo by a Crypt King, proof other gangs are already supplied. Undercover ATF agent Jake Berkeley is involved.
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