
原名:아이언맨   又名:Blade Man

状态:18集全   更新:2024-01-23 06:01:17

把内心的愤怒和伤口变成锋刀,拥有特别能力的男人和使他成长的爱管闲事的女人之间的故事。Joo Hong Bin, the CEO of a game company, has got everything. He is capable, rich and even good-looking. However, this perfect guy lacks in one thing. He is so ill-tempered. The worst guy on the planet. One day, this supercilious guy turns into a monster. When it rains, he becomes furious and some blades are coming out from his body. Moreover, Se Dong, a woman with a bright personality and Chang, his first love's son appear making him confused.