
原名:Away from Her   又名:远离她 / 你的样子

状态:HD   更新:2023-09-25 04:09:55

退休教师格兰特(戈登•平森特 饰)与妻子菲奥娜(朱莉•克里斯蒂 饰)相依相守44年,两人一直过着平静而舒适的生活。可是优雅高贵的菲奥娜患上了老人痴呆症,她的记忆力开始衰退,更日渐严重。菲奥娜决定入住疗养院,深爱妻子的格兰特只好妥协。从未分开过的两人需要在菲奥娜住院后的一个月内不能见面。   当格兰特再次出现在菲奥娜面前,发现她仿佛忘记格兰特,并且与疗养院其中一名病人奥布里相爱了。面对这个突如其来的改变,令格兰特不知所措。就在这时候,奥布里离开了疗养院,菲奥娜对此感到十分不安。   格兰特找到了奥布里的妻子,说服她把丈夫送回疗养院,可是奥布里的妻子玛丽安不愿因高昂住院费用以致失去了现今的房子,房子是她的一切。   但最后玛丽安还是被格兰特的真情打动,不忍妻子心疼的格兰特把奥布里重新带回疗养院,菲奥娜的反应却使格兰特惊讶极了……Grant and Fiona Anderson have been married for forty-four years. Their marriage has been a generally happy and loving one although not perfect due to some indiscretions when Grant was working as a college professor. Fiona has just been admitted to Meadowlake, a long term care facility near their country home in southwestern Ontario, because her recent lapses of memory have been diagnosed as a probable case of Alzheimer's disease. She and Grant made this decision together, although a still lucid Fiona seems to have made peace with the decision and her diagnosis more so than Grant. With respect to the facility, what Grant has the most difficulty with are what he sees as the sadness associated with the facility's second floor - where the more advanced cases are housed - but most specifically the facility's policy of no visitors within the first thirty days of admission to allow the patient to adjust more easily to their new life there. Based on what he sees when he is finally able to visit Fiona, Grant ultimately makes a request of Marian Barque, the wife of one of the other patients, a semi-comatose Aubrey Barque, with whom Fiona has struck a friendship and who is now at home permanently with Marian. The request is to see to both Fiona and his own happiness in this unfortunate situation.
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