
原名:Amusia   又名:Amuusia

状态:22播放   更新:2024-03-16 10:03:47

利维娅患有音乐性失语症,再美妙动听的音乐在她耳中也不过是吵闹的噪音,某天她遇到了帅气的DJ卢西奥,在他的鼓动下决定尝试推开音乐世界的大门。马里斯科蒂·鲁斯波利的导演处女作,他把对音乐感知截然相反的两人“硬凑”成一对儿,颇具戏剧性地表现了恋爱中的争吵与包容。影片特意压制了配乐的情绪表现功能,反而通过颇具艺术感的布景、极具表现力的色彩设计,让角色的心绪“肉眼可见”,更营造出了一个梦幻般的世界。影片还邀请到法国国宝级女演员芬妮·阿尔丹客串,为结尾埋下彩蛋。In a world saturated with music, a girl is born without the means to hear it. Her disease is called Amusia: it exists but nobody knows about it; it tortures her but nobody believes it. A lonely childhood, spent defending herself from accusations and prejudice, pushes her to run away and end up in a suburban reality, a forgotten and slightly oneiric microcosm in which a boy fights his own solitude through music as he tries to prevent his dreams from rotting away. A love story between two people that turn out to be not so different after all.
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