
未知 韩国  1997  韩语 

原名:애니깽   又名:汉尼昆 / Henequen / Aenikkaeng

状态:21播放   更新:2023-06-06 06:06:14

1905年,墨西哥的晨雾中,一些船只纷纷抛锚停驻,渴望建立理想乐园的朝鲜人从船上下来。他们中有布衣出身的灿东、没落贵族背景的峰宪老人和他的一对子女——东洙和菊熙。他们在驿馆安顿好后来到农场主家,成为劳工。他们本来是梦想缔造新天地的,没想到摆在面前的却是黄沙漫漫的不毛之地。他们保守农场主的虐待,在炎热的高温下收割着汉尼昆。由于不堪重负,他们中有人逃出,大部分死在农场主枪下,或是保守严刑拷打。女人们更受到监工的调戏,苦不堪言。灿东和菊熙在苦难中惺惺相惜,建立了好感。灿东为了改变命运鼓足了勇气,而菊熙也决心嫁给这个气魄不凡的青年……Anniquin are Korean immigrants who work sugarcane fields in Mexico. In 1905, a group of Korean laborers dreaming of a paradise, are yanked off a ship to face deadly heat and slave labor. Chun-dong is the son of a butcher and Guk-hee is the daughter of a ruined aristocrat. Some try to escape the abuses of the slave drivers but most are caught and put to death. Some of the women get special treatment for favors. Chun-dong saves Guk-hee from such a situation and they fall in love, despite the social disparity. Chun-dong is sent home to warn of the terrible circumstances, but promises to return.
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