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原名:戦闘員、派遣します!   又名:

状态:12集全   更新:2024-01-21 04:01:15

“秘密结社如月”眼见征服世界的目标即将实现,为了扩大版图,将战斗员六号作为先遣部队派遣至新侵略地,但他的各种行动却让干部们伤透脑筋。With world domination nearly in their grasp, the Supreme Leaders of the Kisaragi Corporation - an underground criminal group turned evil megacorp - have decided to try their hands at interstellar conquest. A quick dice roll nominates their chief operative, Combat Agent Six, to be the one to explore an alien planet...and the first thing he does when he gets there is change the sacred incantation for a holy ritual to the most embarrassing thing he can think of. But evil deeds are business as usual for Kisaragi operatives, so if Six wants a promotion and a raise, he'll have to work much harder than that. For starters, he'll have to do something about the other group of villains on the planet, who are calling themselves the "Demon Lord's Army" or whatever. After all, this world doesn't need two evil organizations.

资源名:[Lilith-Raws] 戰鬥員派遣中!/ Sentouin Hakenshimasu! - 06 [Baha][WEB-DL][1080p][AVC AAC][CHT][MP4]




资源名:[Lilith-Raws] 戰鬥員派遣中!/ Sentouin Hakenshimasu! - 06 [Baha][WEB-DL][1080p][AVC AAC][CHT][MP4]

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