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原名:運命じゃない人   又名:

状态:DVD   更新:2024-01-21 04:01:51

故事发生在一夜之间。无名小卒宫田(中村靖日 饰)每天上班下班过着简单平凡的生活。刚刚被男友劈腿分手的真纪(雾岛丽香 饰)走出了他们同居的房子,失魂落魄的在饭馆遇上了在吃饭的私家侦探神田(山中聪 饰)和宫田。单纯善良的宫田把痛苦无家可归的真纪领回了家暂住。对真纪有了好感,想进一步发展下去。不料,分手半年的前女友阿美(板谷由夏 饰)却突然出现。侦探神田和阿美进行了一项秘密交易,牵扯上了黑社会老大浅井(山下规介 饰)一笔丢失的巨款,这笔巨款和几个人都牵扯上了关系。真相慢慢浮上水面,5个人的命运和嘴脸在一夜之间无处遁形。In one long Friday evening, Takeshi Miyata, a straight-arrow businessman, will encounter a number of people (some only fleetingly) who have intertwining fates. After six months he is still mourning the loss of his girlfriend, Ayumi and is lured from his apartment when his childhood friend, the detective Yusuke Kanda, telephones invoking Ayumi's name. Arriving late at the appointed restaurant, Kanda says Ayumi is getting married and chides Miyata over not finding a new girlfriend. He then spontaneously invites a solitary diner, Maki, to join them. Although she is silently vowing to be alone because of bitterness over her engagement being broken just the day before, she quickly agrees. Kanda makes a sudden exit, leaving his friend to contend with the despondent and homeless girl. The two return to his apartment, but as Ayumi appears wanting some of her things she left behind, Maki says she must leave. Meanwhile, Miyata remains oblivious to the fact that both Kanda and Ayumi are being threatened by Asai, a Yakusa mob boss, and his mob over the disappearance of the "money" from Asai's safe.

资源名:[10th Single] タイナカサチ - 運命人 (2009.08.26)


文件大小:0.0 GB


资源名:[10th Single] タイナカサチ - 運命人 (2009.08.26)

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