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原名:Sivi kamion crvene boje   又名:

状态:70播放   更新:2023-08-18 04:08:53

波斯尼亚人拉特科是色盲,他无法抵制诱惑,再次偷了一辆奔驰卡车。他开着这辆车不小心撞到了已经怀孕多月的塞尔维亚摇滚女歌手苏珊娜。两人共同穿越了正处于崩溃状态的南斯拉夫,战争爆发的疯狂却将两个不同民族的人更加紧密地联合在一起。当他们幸运地流亡到了国外的时候,苏珊娜产下一个黑皮肤的婴儿,而拉特科也为之兴奋异常。This movie is mainly a love story, and the scenery is the first day of the civil war in ex Yugoslavia (June 1991). The main character is Ratko, an ex con, from some Bosnian "never go there" place. His most important characteristic is that he is colorblind, which gives him, in a symbolic way, the ability to see things differently than 'majority around him' (that is also an explanation of the movie title). On the beginning of the movie, Ratko will meet a city girl, who is a completely different person than him. On their strange voyage they will fall in love with each other and find the way to beat all differences.
Sivi kamion crvene boje (DVD-R PAL)

资源名:Sivi kamion crvene boje (DVD-R PAL)




资源名:Sivi kamion crvene boje (DVD-R PAL)

  1. 推荐使用最新【迅雷11】下载,因为支持迅雷云盘。
  2. 百度网盘官方近期在做调整,离线下载不知道以后还会不会保留,离线功能请使用迅雷云盘、115网盘。
  3. 115、迅雷、百度网盘均支持在线观看,也可以用迅雷边下边播,其中迅雷盘可以切换音轨。
  4. 站上所有资源都可以在115网盘秒离,虽然目前是最贵的网盘,但也是用着最安心的,可以自行尝试 。
  5. 如需下载电影,请先安装迅雷,然后点击 迅雷 按钮或者点击 复制地址 再到迅雷中新建下载。
  6. 资源名称中含HD为高清,BD为蓝光 ,DVD为老旧普清资源,部分冷门资源可能不会再出高清或蓝光。
  7. MP4资源内嵌硬字幕,不可切换字幕;MKV资源通常内封独立字幕,必须下载用支持字幕的播放器才能显示,推荐 potplayer 播放器。