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原名:Delivery Man   又名:

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-21 04:01:51

翻拍自《星爸客》,讲了文斯·沃恩扮演的精子捐献者,其精子贡献了533个孩子,而这些孩子们现在要起诉他。与《星爸客》展现奇葩囧事的着力点不同,本片更侧重于后期诉讼和这位爸爸真的想要走出来面对一切的部分。David Wozniak is a man who is irresponsible and unreliable which doesn't exactly endear him to his family and his girlfriend. And when she tells him that she's pregnant, she tells him, she plans to do it on her own because she can't count on him. One day a lawyer shows up and talks to him about the fact that twenty years ago he was a sperm donor for about a year and his sperm was used to father over 500 children. And now over 100 of them want to know who he is but because he signed a confidentiality agreement, they can't be told who he is. So they are going to court to try to get the confidentiality set aside. His lawyer tells him that they can win this. But when the lawyer who saw him gives him info on the ones who want to see him, he takes a peek at one and decides to go see him and not tell him he's the father. He then goes out and checks out some of his other children and doesn't tell them who he is and connects with them. His lawyer tells him it could jeopardize their case, especially since he can get a big settlement which he can use to pay back some people he borrowed from who "tell" him to pay or else.






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