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BBC Two的全新喜剧,以维多利亚时期极其狂野激情的医学环境为背景。让我们跟随着四位年轻的医学拓荒者的奋斗脚步,看他们如何震惊世界,顽强斗争——以及拯救生命。In 1840s Britain, before anaesthetics, cocky surgeon Robert Lessing is in disgrace after sawing off rather more than a patient's leg, causing his death whilst fledgling psychiatrist - or alienist - Tom Agar recommends kindness therapy, rather than beatings, to asylum inmates, not very successfully. Tom's demonstration of phrenology to help Robert's wife Caroline leads to Caroline's own decision to try and enter the all male world of medicine whilst impoverished dentist John experiments with the use of anaesthetics. Robert's chance to redeem himself occurs when lordly Royal physician Dr Hendrick orders him to operate on the Duke of Bedford's tumour. His success will depend on two medical innovations provided by John and himself.
江湖郎中 Quacks

资源名:【720p高清中文字幕】江湖郎中 quacks迅雷下载.2017.317.74mb.torrent




资源名:【720p高清中文字幕】江湖郎中 quacks迅雷下载.2017.317.74mb.torrent

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