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原名:My Secret Valentine   又名:

状态:HD   更新:2023-08-18 05:08:46

A young woman takes advice from the notes that are left by a mysterious "Handyman" when a sales rep arrives with plans to buy her family's winery.At the request of her father Truman Grange, Chloe Grange, the general manager at an upscale restaurant in Portland, Oregon, heads home to Grange Family Wineries in Oregon wine country for a week respite to hear her father's news which he wants to tell her in person. This time away from work, which coincides with the Valentine's Day Wine Festival, will also allow Chloe to ponder the job offer by her boss Maggie, the new job a lateral move albeit one with more pay. Deep in her heart, Chloe already believes she's gone as far as she can go in the restaurant business without being a restaurant owner herself, but without knowing what any alternative as a career for which she has equal passion would be. She, along with the winery management team, learn that Truman's news is that, following the death of his wife - Chloe's mother - he has decided to retire. With Chloe having her own career, he has also decided to sell the winery, the most likely candidate being one of the mass producing ...
[BT下载][秘密情人 My Secret Valentine][HD-MKV/1.95G][英语中字][1080P]






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