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原名:冰血长津湖   又名:

状态:HD   更新:2024-01-21 12:01:46

八一电影制片厂出品的纪录片,长津湖之战为抗美援朝第二次战役的东部战线,是朝鲜战争中最惨烈的一次战役。当时,志愿军九兵团以16万优势兵力在朝鲜东北部的长津湖地区成功分割包围了美军陆战1师和步兵第7师一部共约3万人。美军陆战第1师遭受重创,伤亡减员达13961人。重创美陆战第1师的志愿军第9兵团也付出了极大的代价,部队战斗减员达14000多人,因冻伤造成的非战斗减员更是有30732人之多。由于严寒、补给不足、火力差距和美军空中优势等原因,志愿军虽然未能达成全歼陆战1师战役目的,但这一仗扭转了中朝联军被动防御的局面,彻底让“联合国军”妄图三个月拿下朝鲜的幻想破灭了。长津湖战役创造了抗美援朝战争中全歼美军一个整团的纪录,迫使美军王牌部队经历了有史以来“路程最长的退却”。The August First Film Studio Documentary, the Battle of Changjinho, the eastern front of the second campaign to resist U.S. aggression and Aid Korea, was the bloodiest battle of the Korean War. At that time, the 9th corps, with a strength of 160,000, successfully divided and encircled the U.S. Army's 1st Marine Division and 7th Infantry Division in the north-eastern region of Changjinho, about 30,000 men. However, due to the cold, shortage of supplies, fire gap and the air superiority of the US army, the volunteers failed to achieve the objective of annihilating the 1st Marine Division, and paid a heavy cost of more than 60,000 casualties. The near-death death death of the 1st Marine Division also boosted the confidence of the US military and political leadership, ultimately establishing its determination to continue the Korean War.

资源名:冰血长津湖[国语配音+中文字幕].frozen.chosin.2011.2160p.web-dl.h265.ddp2.0-10006@bbqddq 2.11gb




资源名:冰血长津湖[国语配音+中文字幕].frozen.chosin.2011.2160p.web-dl.h265.ddp2.0-10006@bbqddq 2.11gb

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