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原名:Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House   又名:

状态:HD   更新:2024-01-21 03:01:17

马克·费尔特是美国联邦调查局前副局长,在二十世纪美国最大政治丑闻“水门事件”中,他向《华盛顿邮报》记者披露了对尼克松总统不利的线报,从而导致尼克松下台。当时他没暴露自己的身份,只是以一部热门色情电影的片名作为自己的代号,也就是“深喉”。直到2005年,马克·费尔特才承 认自己就是“深喉”。1972. Following the death of fifty year FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover who the last three Presidents had considered firing, FBI outsider L. Patrick Gray is appointed Acting Director. Associate Director Mark Felt, a dedicated, loyal and meticulous employee of the Bureau for thirty years, and his wife Audrey, feel he being passed over for the job is a major snub, they who have sacrificed their own personal lives for the Bureau. Part of that sacrifice is not being able to devote time in locating the Felts' daughter, Joan Felt, who they have not heard from in a year, they only assuming that she going off their radar being on her own volition in her anti-establishment ideals. Felt not getting the job is arguably due to he being such an integral figure in the controversial Hoover tenure. One of the first cases for the Bureau in Gray's tenure is a break-in at and bugging of the Democratic National Committee offices, the case unofficially called Watergate for the complex in which the break-in ...
马克·费尔特:扳倒白宫之人 Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House

资源名:【720p高清中文字幕】马克·费尔特:扳倒白宫之人 mark felt: the man who brought down the white house迅雷下载.2017.2.12gb.torrent




资源名:【720p高清中文字幕】马克·费尔特:扳倒白宫之人 mark felt: the man who brought down the white house迅雷下载.2017.2.12gb.torrent

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