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原名:海棠经雨胭脂透   又名:

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 02:01:04

顾海棠为找寻父亲失踪的下落来到昆杨,与朗家二公子月轩不打不相识,进入朗家的胭脂工坊工作,却被朗家大公子月明相中,朗家为此设计了一场骗婚,当海棠得知自己所嫁非人,她痛恨月轩的欺骗,她向朗家许诺以医治月明毁容的脸来换取一纸休书。月轩愧对海棠,正视内心的情感想要重新追求海棠,两人相爱相虐。当月明重新恢复容貌,他因爱生恨,不仅夺走“罗里春”的经营权,还想拆散月轩跟海棠。与此同时,海棠父亲的真实身份、失踪的原因,月轩的身世等真相一一浮出水面,三人展开至深的虐恋。随着所有谜团的解开,月轩与海棠终于走到一起,月明也幡然悔悟,众人最终在国仇家难中团结起来,合力将“罗里春”这一民族品牌发扬光大,成为佳话Gu Hai Tang is a beautiful young woman of marriageable age. In search for her father's whereabouts, she arrives in Kunyang and encounters Yue Xuan, the Lang Family's second son. An argument between them gets them uncomfortably acquainted with each other. Gu Hai Tang finds work at the Lang Family's rouge making factory and catches the eye of Yue Ming, the family's eldest son. In order to make her his bride, the Lang Family tricks Hai Tang into a fake wedding and when she finds out that she had married Yue Ming, she becomes hateful towards Yue Xuan for deceiving her. Promising to cure Yue Ming's face in exchange for her divorce papers, Hai Tang gains her freedom. Yue Xuan is racked with guilt over his actions and comes to realize that he loves Hai Tang. He starts to pursue her once more but their love is both passionate and painstaking. After Yue Ming recovers, his obsession spirals into hatred. He becomes the couple's rival in business and attempts to tear them apart. At the same time, the truth behind Hai Tang's father's disappearance begins to resurface.






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