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原名:邊城三俠   又名:

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-21 04:01:01

明末清初的动荡时期,丰润县马蹄庄庄主高保良把不顾百姓死活一心敛财的知县魏怀远的女儿魏文贞绑至磨坊,想借此让魏怀远免收村民钱粮。因不敌入侵的清兵而阵亡的边关元帅卢象升的侄儿卢方(王羽)因突围一事途经马蹄庄,见此情形决意插手。魏怀远承诺豁免钱粮,暗中却捉到高保良的女儿以作人质。   经过一番波折,卢方联合到不愿受魏怀远指使的武侠义士燕子清(罗烈)、黄梁(郑雷),三人一起在马蹄庄与魏怀远派来的士兵展开对垒,却中计被捕入狱。知晓父亲的所作所为后,魏文贞大义灭亲将义士救出,一场恶战随即爆发。During the late Ming Dynasty a heroic swordsman named Lu Fang (Jimmy Wang Yu) returns from battle to discover that several poor farmers have kidnapped a ruthless local magistrate's only daughter. Lu Fang soon joins their cause after learning that this is simply an act of desperation to improve their horrifically low standards of living and extremely high taxation. The magistrate also holds an important petition from the townspeople. Becoming increasingly frustrated, the magistrate hires bandits, assassins, and another fighter named Huang Liang (Cheng Lui) to get his daughter back. Huang quickly recognizes Lu from past battles in the frontier and joins him in fighting the bandits and assassins. The standoff comes to an abrupt end when the magistrate threatens the life of one of the farmer's daughters. Lu convinces the magistrate to punish him in place of the farmers. Then Lu finds out that he has been lied to. The magistrate's daughter (Chin Ping) and a peerless fighter (Lo Lieh), along with Huang help Lu to escape and recover the petition. Finally, our heroes make sure that the petition will get to a higher-ranking official so that the town's suffering, starvation, and unfair taxation can end.
The Magnificent Trio - 1966.avi

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