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原名:篤姫   又名:

状态:完结   更新:2023-08-22 10:08:47

调皮伶俐的少女与一(宮崎あおい 饰)生于人杰辈出的萨摩。适逢历史变革的动荡时代,经过长达两百多年的锁国,日本国内各方面早已出现僵化腐败的局面;而海外列强纷纷崛起,开始将触角伸向这个古老而神秘的国度。由于和外界多有接触,以萨摩为代表的一部分有识之士渴望帮助日本成为现代化的强国,为此他们不惜采用各种手段改变国家的现状。   岛津齐彬(高桥英树 饰)欣赏与一的聪慧与见地,于是将其收为养女,希望培养出一个能从幕府内部改革政府、引导国家走向的女子。肩负着历史使命,更名为笃子的与一开始了将军夫人的艰苦磨练。从此,她的人生将与齐彬、家定(堺雅人 饰)、大久保利通、西乡隆盛(小泽征悦 饰)、庆福(松田翔太 饰)、胜海舟(北大陆欣也 饰)、小松带刀(瑛太 饰)、庆喜(平岳大 饰)等一系列在幕末明治时代占有重要历史地位的人物紧紧纠缠在一起……Atsuhime (Princess Atsu) is the story of the real life Princess Atsu of the Satsuma Domain of Japan during the final years of the Tokugawa Shogunate. In a move to influence the Shogunate policies concerning the new threat from the West, Princess Atsu would be adopted from her birth parents to Lord Nariakira of the Shimizu Clan of Satsuma (Present Day Kagoshima, Japan). Princess Atsu will be readopted to be positioned to be sent to Edo Castle to marry the 13th Tokugawa Shogun Iesada. What she was not told is that the aloof Shogun Iesada was perceived to be a "fool" who was both indifferent to his country's political crisis and his newlywed Atsuhime's affections. Through her determination, she will win over her eccentric husband. But as the foreign crisis looms over Japan, the young princess is widowed at the age of 22 and must now find her place as the newly minted Lady Tenshoin in the private world of the Ooku of Edo Castle. Political intrigue and revolution play backdrop to this riveting 47th NHK Taiga Drama starring Aoi Miyazaki as one of the most influential women of the Bakumatsu - The final days of the Tokugawa Shogunate.



文件大小:10.7 GB



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