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原名:김종욱 찾기   又名:

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-26 08:01:23

徐智友(林秀晶 饰)是一名舞台导演,只因为对初恋男友恋恋不忘,她一直单身还多次拒绝了父亲挑选的相亲对象。父亲为了打开女儿的心结,情急之下求助于一家名为“寻找初恋”的事务所。事务所是一位名叫韩基俊(孔侑 饰)性格木讷的男人所开,基俊在职场上很不得志,无奈之下才创办了这家“寻找初恋”事务所。徐智友的父亲就是基俊的第一个客人, 他们要寻找的这个人叫做金钟旭,也就是徐智友的初恋男友。对于父亲的这一举动,徐智友起初很不配合,但无奈韩基俊的执拗和父亲的唠叨,她也加入到寻找金钟旭的行动中。基俊和智友的感情也慢慢发生着变化,就在大家对于寻找金钟旭不报希望的时候,金钟旭却自己出现了,三人的关系将如何终结?Gi-joon starts an agency that helps people locate their long-lost first loves and Ji-woo becomes his first client. She is dragged there by her worried father, Captain SEO, who learns that Ji-woo is still hung up on Kim Jung-wook, a man she fell in love with on her trip to India in her early twenties. In offer to identify the face of Ji-woo's long lost first love, the two travel all around the country and come face-to-face with a smörgåsbord of Kim Jong-wook's. After days on end of little success in the search for Kim Jong-wook, the agency receives a single phone call of fate. An inquiry from none other than Kim Jong-wook himself, hoping to find Jin-woo through the help of Gi-joon's agency. Gi-joon tells Ji-woo the good news, but having realized his feelings for her, Gi-joon turns and runs back to Ji-woo.
Finding.Mr.Destiny.2010 繁中字幕

资源名:Finding.Mr.Destiny.2010 繁中字幕




