
原名:The Big Red One   又名:大红一师 / 铁血军营 / 决死兵团 / 战地雄心 / 红1纵队

状态:HD   更新:2023-08-27 01:08:27

本片提名1980年戛纳电影节金棕榈奖。这是一出二次世界大战时的真实写照。骁勇善战的士官长加上四位坚强的士兵,在枪林弹雨中奋战。他们不怕艰难,勇往直前。二战初期,1938年,一只美国步枪连在一个不知名的中士的带领下,辗转于北非、意大利西西里、法国、德国和捷克等国与德国纳粹极其同盟军队展开了生死决战。每到一处,他们不但消灭了当地的法西斯,而且也给予当地的平民很大的帮助。同时,这些战役的胜利为盟军的最终胜利奠定了坚固的基础。尤其是于1944年协助盟军在诺曼底成功登陆,成为二战的重要转折点。多年的南征北战,这只部队经历了无数的战火考验,无愧于自己的“铁字勋章”。The story of a hardened army Sergeant and four of his men from their first fight at the Kasserine Pass after the invasion of North Africa through to the invasion of Sicily, D-Day, the Ardennes forest and the liberation of a concentration camp at the end of the war. As the five of them fight - and survive to fight yet again in the next battle - new recruits joining the squad are swatted down by the enemy on a regular basis. The four privates are naturally reluctant to get to know any of the new recruits joining the squad, who become just a series of nameless faces.
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