
原名:Suburban Mayhem   又名:爱杀蝴蝶梦

状态:23播放   更新:2023-08-23 04:08:30

卡迪那(艾米丽·巴克雷 Emily Barclay 饰)经历了一场非常失败的婚姻,如今独自抚养着年幼的孩子,和父亲过着相依为命的生活。卡迪那生命中唯一重要的人就是她的弟弟丹尼(Laurence Breuls 饰),然而,因为一场谋杀案,丹尼被判入狱,面临着终身监禁的沉重审判。   为了给弟弟上诉,卡迪那需要一大笔钱,可是,卡迪那的父亲对自己的女儿毫无关心,而母亲也早已经弃她而去,生活里没有任何的人能够帮助她,除了她的情人。于是,卡迪那制定了一个精妙的计划,她将目标放到了父亲拥有的一大笔遗产上,她希望能够利用自己的情人将父亲杀死。Why does a 19 year-old girl plot to kill her own father? Katrina Skinner is stuck in suburbia with her toddler daughter and her devoted dad. Her brother Danny is in jail for life for murder. Her mother abandoned her years ago. The neighbors are scared of her. The police can't keep up with her. Nobody can control her but everybody's trying. Her dad won't mind his own business. Katrina misses her brother. She needs money for his appeal. She's bored and she's sick of living with her dad. She's not going to work a day in her life and she knows her dad's not going to help her financially anymore. She's first in line for the family inheritance. All she needs to do now is convince one of her lovers to do the deed and she's never had much trouble getting men to do what she wants. All for the love of her brother. It's John Skinner's funeral, inside the Golden Grove Crematorium. Kat sits on the front pew between her cheeky fiancé Rusty and her toddler daughter Bailee. Her mobile phone interrupts the service when she receives a text message. Suddenly we are thrust into Katrina's world: youth culture, crime, sex and suburban mayhem. This story is told from many perspectives: a kaleidoscope of flashbacks and testimonies fueled by small town gossip, the police, friends and family, her fiancé, and her many lovers. It seems everybody has a "story" to tell about Katrina Skinner. The stories don't add up, but they all take us to the same place.
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