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原名:Nuremberg   又名:

状态:580播放   更新:2023-08-27 12:08:25

影片根据二战后的纽伦堡大审判进行创作,对二战进行了深刻的反思。   1945年11月20日,俄、美、英、法四国大法官走进德国纽伦堡法院,举世瞩目的历史上第一个国际法庭――纽伦堡国际军事法庭在这里开庭了。21名同盟国认定的主要战争罪犯被推上了历史的审判台,其中包括前纳粹元帅赫尔曼·戈林、希特勒副手鲁道夫·赫斯、纳粹外长里宾特洛甫等。美国首席大法官杰克逊首先宣读总起诉书,罗列了法西斯灭绝人性的罪行,而狡猾的纳粹分子则想方设法为自己开脱罪责,并使尽各种花招,企图通过非常规手段逃出这次正义的终极判决。在十分艰难的境况下,纽伦堡共持续了315天,开庭218次,正义与邪恶的再次以不同形式展开了激烈交锋……Following the defeat of Germany in WWII, the Allies determine that there must be an accounting of German war crimes. Twenty-four Nazis, representative of all sections of military and civilian life are chosen to stand trial for the crimes of conspiracy to commit aggression, commission of aggression, crimes during war and crimes against humanity. The preparations for the trial, the trial itself and its aftermath are shown through the eyes of Chief Prosecutor Robert Jackson and through the eyes of Reichsmarshal Hermann Goering, the ranking Nazi defendant.
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