
原名:데릴남편 오작두   又名:入赘丈夫吴作斗 / 我的契约老公吴先生 / My Husband Oh Jak-doo / My Contracted Husband, Mr. Oh

状态:24集全   更新:2024-01-23 06:01:24

讲述讲述30代中半,什么都不缺的单身女,社会对单身女的偏见与不便,所以她为了获得“有夫之妇”的社会地位,而将吴作斗带回家作为入赘丈夫,两人从结婚到恋爱的逆行爱情故事,计划能引起这时代梦想着“不婚”的年轻人们的共鸣的故事。Han Seung Joo is a single woman in her mid 30's and she works as a PD at a broadcasting station. She does well at her job, but she is not nearly as good when it comes to housework. Han Seung Joo has a hard time dealing with social prejudices about single women. To get the position of a "married woman," Han Seung Joo marries Oh Jak Doo who lives in the mountain. Their marriage is not based on love, but their relationship develops romantically.