
原名:正解するカド   又名:The Right Answer / 正确的KADO

状态:12集全   更新:2024-01-23 08:01:51

真道幸路朗是在外务省工作的干练交涉官。在羽田机场,真道所乘坐的客机正准备起飞时,空中出现了神秘的巨大立方体。“那个东西”急速地巨大化,并吞噬了载有252人的客机。巨大立方体的名字是“卡多”。   从卡多当中现身的神秘存在亚哈库依·扎修尼纳,试图与人类进行接触。被卡多吸收的真道,接受了亚哈库依·扎修尼纳与人类之间的调停任务。另一方面,日本政府也将国际交涉官徭沙罗花作为代表送往现场。亚哈库依·扎修尼纳究竟是什么人?而他的目标又是什么?Kojirou Shindou. Cabinet Office Director-General for Policy Planning, is at Haneda Airport for a business trip. While the plane is on the runway, a giant structure suddenly appears out of thin air. The plane carrying Shindou and 251 passengers is taken undamaged inside the giant structure. After everyone disembarks, a man who looks like an ordinary human being shows up. He assures those from the plane that they're not in any danger. Shindou asks him to identify himself and explain the situation. Then the outside of the structure is displayed on a large screen, and at the same time, every passenger's cell phone starts ringing all at once. On each cell phone screen is a message from this man, to every one of Japan's citizens: "I, Yaha-kui zaShunina, hereby notify you that I am going to intervene in Japan's internal affairs." What is this young man's goal? And will Shindou manage to become an intermediary between Japan and the Anisotorons...?