
原名:八個女人一台戲   又名:8个女人1台戏 / Women on the Verge / First Night Nerves

状态:高清   更新:2024-01-22 09:01:05

关锦鹏导演一向以文艺细腻婉约风格著称华语影坛,对女性情感的深度挖掘和光影呈现更是独树一帜。《八个女人一台戏》首次将背景放置在了浮华名利喧嚣浮躁的当代娱乐圈,以香港著名文化地标中环大会堂为缘起,借排演一出经典舞台剧《一世人两姐妹》为契机,曾红极一时的舞台剧天后与炙手可热的当红女星正面battle,舞台内外,更有首屈一指的香港富商千金、霸气干练制片人、率真仗义勤恳护主的贴身助理们、娱乐圈八卦王、蜚声国际的知名大导等纷纷粉墨登场,是尔虞我诈、勾心斗角?还是相爱相杀,相知相惜?台上台下戏内戏外,虚实相生扑朔迷离,众女神集结同框飙戏,一幅展现热闹的当代娱乐圈女性众生相的大幕正徐徐拉开……Cheng Cong, the matriarch of a wealthy Shanghainese family in Hong Kong, is financing the production of a new play in Hong Kong's venerable City Hall. The play is Two Sisters, a retro melodrama in the vein of Tennessee Williams, written and directed by the trans woman Ouyang An. As the two sisters of the title, the production will star Yuan Xiuling (a stage veteran making a comeback five years after retiring from the theatre, and one year after the death of her faithless husband Cheng Jun - who was Cheng Cong's younger brother) and He Yuwen (a smart movie actress making her stage debut, who happens to have nursed a career-long rivalry with her co-star). The production is scheduled to have its first night in one week's time. The run-up to the first night is eventful. Yuan Xiuling has been left financially embarrassed by her late husband's apparent failure to provide for her, and worries where she will live and how she will pay for her son Yuan's boarding-school fees in England. She has...
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