
原名:Les adieux à la reine   又名:别矣,玛丽皇后(港) / 情欲凡尔赛(台) / 再见,我的皇后 / 再见皇后 / Farewell, My Queen

状态:HD   更新:2024-03-04 10:03:49

故事发生在1789年的法国凡尔赛宫,革命的热潮席卷了整个国家,居住在宫中的王公贵族们成为了革命者们攻击的对象。为了保命,很多人决定逃跑,可是皇后玛丽(黛安·克鲁格 Diane Kruger 饰)却无法放下她高贵的尊严。长久以来,波利内公爵夫人(维吉妮·拉朵嫣 Virgi nie Ledoyen 饰)和玛丽皇后保持了暧昧而又亲密的关系,而这一次,保全波利内公爵夫人的性命则成为了玛丽皇后首当其冲需要解决的问题。   西朵妮(蕾雅·赛杜 Léa Seydoux 饰)只是一介小小侍女,但她对玛丽皇后的忠臣和爱慕是任何人都无法相比的,即使到了这个紧要关头,她依然希望能够守在玛丽皇后的身边,为她卖命。于是,西朵妮顺理成章的成为了玛丽皇后手中的棋子,而她并不知道,自己将要面临的是怎样的命运。In July 1789, the French Revolution is rumbling. Far from the turmoil, at the Château de Versailles, King Louis XVI, Queen Marie-Antoinette and their courtiers keep on living their usual carefree lives. But when the news of the storming of the Bastille reaches them, panic sets in and most of the aristocrats and their servants desert the sinking ship, leaving the Royal Family practically alone. Which is not the case of Sidonie Laborde, the Queen's reader, a young woman, entirely devoted to her mistress; she will not give her up under any circumstances. What Sidonie does not know yet is that these are the last three days she will spend in the company of her beloved Queen...
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