
原名:Buy & Cell   又名:王牌出击

状态:28播放   更新:2023-06-06 03:06:23

一位充满野心、热情的年情证券经纪人赫比阿门,正平步青云地向成功之路,突然他美好的未来幻灭了,因为他的老板罗设了圈套,使他因为股票陷入囤圄。阿门在艾文森监狱中,由于耿直而激怒了警卫长狼人及典狱长布瑞克,他们极力要整他,当时唯一能拯救他免于受体罚的只有监狱助理艾伦司高。滑头是监狱中的一名骗子,另外一名是恶棍,滑头久夏卡不少钱,受到别人威胁要杀他,因而求助于阿门,阿门虽然应允,但唯一的要求及解决方法是将钱投资于股市,这期间需要特殊的管道,以取得各种电脑设备等等。狱中,由于艾伦司高的帮助阿门建立了一家人头公司,这件事引起了派蒙的觊觎及罗的兴趣。阿门如何逃过这危机?Herbie Altman is framed for Stock fraud by his boss when the SEC starts investigating his company. Sent to prison, he helps a fellow inmate successfully invest his money. Soon all the inmates want his help. To manage all the money, he forms CON INC. and runs it from the prison under the noses of the warden and the guards. But when the IRS and SEC begin to investigate this successful company, it looks like he may be in trouble again.
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