
原名:阿龍   又名:再见阿龙 / Atonement

状态:104播放   更新:2023-08-23 07:08:41

阿龍八歲女兒螢螢相依為命,因背負著前妻的賭債而生活潦倒,但積極樂觀的他從沒有抱怨半句,深信好人有好報。苦盡甘來,阿龍終於還清債務,為了完成女兒多年心願,決定帶她去泰國旅遊,只可惜,螢螢在旅程中被拐子集團擄走了。痛失至親的阿龍徹底放棄以往信念,為了留下竟不惜與泰國華僑阿蘭再婚。兩年來他一直暗中打聽拐子集團的消息,只為揪出所有害死螢螢的匪徒報仇雪恨。不惜犧牲一切的阿龍化身成雙手沾血的復仇者,最後他能夠重拾昔日的善念,大徹大悟;還是墜入難劫不復的仇恨地獄呢?Lung (by Ronald CHENG) and his daughter Ying (by Shun Ying FU) are each other's only dependence. Due to the gambling debt of Lung's ex-wife, they are living a dreadful life, but Lung never complains and optimistically believes in good karma for good people. After rain comes a rainbow, Lung pays off all his debt and decides to make Ying's dream come true by taking her on a Thailand trip. Unfortunately, Ying is taken by the kidnap gang during the trip. Losing his girl, Lung abandons all his faiths; he even married a Thai Chinese, Lan (by Chrissie CHAU), in order to stay in Thailand. Lung keeps gathering information of the kidnap gang for two years, he eventually turns into a bloody revenger. Can he retrieve his virtue at the end or will he become a sinner suffering from endless hatred?
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