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原名:民衆の敵~世の中、おかしくないですか!?~   又名:

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 02:01:04

佐藤智子(筱原凉子 饰)与丈夫以及就读幼儿园的儿子一起过着平凡的生活。智子由于双亲失踪,自暴自弃而高中辍学。之后虽然在许多地方来来去去,但她下定决心绝对不要跟父母一样,而是努力地认真过生 活。后来她在打工的地方认识了现在的丈夫,完成人生大事。但身为打工族的丈夫不断在换工作的轮回中渡过,最后还是由智子的微薄薪水支撑家计。但智子却因为在职场上的冲突而遭到解雇。在得知市议员中选率高且年薪可观时,她决定出马参选议员……Sato Tomoko leads an ordinary life as a 40-year-old wife and mother with a part-time hourly job to supplement the household income. One day, she defies an unfair rule at her customer service job because she wants to help the customer, and is fired on the same day her husband loses his job. Tomoko is a high school dropout due to her family background, and has no certifications. How is she to get a secure job that pays enough to provide decent meals for Shun, her 5-year-old son? After her husband mentions find the high salary of city council members, Tomoko researches it on the Internet and learns that winning a seat on the council has a higher probability than getting a secure salary job. Inspired by the desire to earn a good salary, Tomoko decides and convinces her husband to withdraw their savings so she can run in the current election. While her rivals are endorsed by current politicians or come from families with elite backgrounds, Tomoko isn't intimidated for long, and decides she...
【民众之敌:这个世界不是很可笑吗?!】【2017】【HDTV 720p】【10集全】【内嵌中日双语字幕】

资源名:【民众之敌:这个世界不是很可笑吗?! EP10】【HDTV 720p】【689.41 MB】【Minshu.no.Teki.Yononaka.Okashikunai.desuka.Ep10.Final.Chi_Jap.HDTVrip.1280X720-ZhuixinFan】


文件大小:689.41 MB


资源名:【民众之敌:这个世界不是很可笑吗?! EP10】【HDTV 720p】【689.41 MB】【Minshu.no.Teki.Yononaka.Okashikunai.desuka.Ep10.Final.Chi_Jap.HDTVrip.1280X720-ZhuixinFan】



  • www.bttku.com.txt(30B)
  • 民众之敌~这世道,也太奇怪了吧!?~.Minshu.no.Teki.Yononaka.Okashikunai.desuka.Ep10.Final.Chi_Jap.HDTVrip.1280X720-ZhuixinFan.mp4(689.41 MB)
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