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原名:Journey to the Center of the Earth   又名:

状态:高清正片   更新:2023-08-22 10:08:16

男主角的叔叔在多年前乘坐大型机器去了地心,没回来。地心里有一个怪物统治者,会说话,还有很多奇怪的生物。男主角的叔叔当初带的一个项链挂坠之类的东西不知为什么落到了怪物手里。多年后男主角和一些科研人员重新制作了大型机器,向地心进发。Taking the title from the novel by Jules Verne, this story takes his basic premise of the desire to travel to the center of the Earth. The travelers, using their craft, penetrate an active volcano and encounter a strange world filled with many creatures and an evil force controlling it all.
Journey To The Center Of The Earth 1993 TVRip

资源名:Journey To The Center Of The Earth 1993 TVRip


文件大小:879.34 MB


资源名:Journey To The Center Of The Earth 1993 TVRip


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