
原名:侠女闯天关   又名:古墓遗书

状态:已完结   更新:2023-08-27 12:08:53

明朝时期,为了寻找治国之道的太公天书,诚王爷和新科状元陆鼎文应明神宗之命,进入到太祖皇陵。皇陵需三把钥匙开启,二人各有一把,第三把则在皇陵之中。但这把钥匙也被尾随他们的日本忍者觊觎,而王爷也在这时翻脸袭击陆鼎文。幸好被路过的盗墓人出手相救,双方则为自己的小孩指腹为婚。   平安的度过十八年,陆鼎文的女儿陆剑萍长大了,会一身功夫。一次意外,救了扮作书生的东厂杀手水若寒(吴奇隆 饰),结识了路过的小和尚释小龙、释小福,又引起了微服出巡的二皇子朱玉龙的注意,众人结成了友谊。活泼开朗的剑萍得到了皇帝的喜爱,被指婚给二皇子。但剑萍心系水若寒,于是开始了一场逃婚之旅。而这场变动则牵扯出十八年前的那场阴谋,也让剑萍和若寒有情人终成眷属。In the series Treasure Venture, Vicki Zhao plays the role of Lu Jian Ping, a very mischevious, playful, stubborn girl who enjoys walking around the streets dressed as a guy and playing tricks on people to gain fame. The series is mainly about a book that will teach the Ming emperor how to rule forever, and the many steps people take to find this book, including killing all within it's path. Jian Ping's father being a keeper of one of the keys to the book is therefore a target along with Jian Ping afterwards. Vicki plays this role to perfection after Huan Zhu Ge Ge!
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