
原名:White Fang   又名:白牙 / 白芳

状态:高清   更新:2023-10-20 11:10:27

为了完成父亲的遗愿,杰克(伊桑·霍克 Ethan Hawke 饰)只身来到了遥远的阿拉斯加寻找金矿。在这里,他遇见了善良友好的艾利克斯(克劳斯·马利亚·布朗道尔 Klaus Maria Brandauer 饰),两人决定结伴共同奋斗。   一只名叫白牙的阿拉斯加雪橇犬改变了杰克的命运,将他从死亡线上挽救了回来,而当白牙被赌狗的恶棍们当成摇钱树之时,杰克也毫不犹豫的对其伸出了援手。一人一狗之间,友谊和信任正在慢慢滋生。白牙靠着自己的天赋帮助杰克与艾利克斯找到了金矿,亦保护了金矿不被坏人夺走。当发了财的艾利克斯邀请杰克回纽约一起创业之时,面对依依不舍的白牙,杰克犹豫了。Jack Conroy is a young gold hunter, who seeks for gold in the enormous and the snowy deserts of Alaska. He save one day, a mixed dogwolf from the hands of a cruel man, and a brave friendship develops between the two. The dogwolf, who named "the white fang" for it's sharp and white tooth, was left alone after his mother was killed by a hunter. After a while, the white fang was taken from jack, by a man who put him in an illegal dog fighting pen, to fight other dogs. White Fang becomes a professional, experienced and a cruel killer. But unexpectedly, jack meets him again after a long term, and they return to be friends. When a group of criminals wants to steal Jack's gold, White Fang is the only one who can help him to fight them off.
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