モーニングセット、牛乳、 春

原名:モーニングセット、牛乳、 春   又名:Shame Hair シェイム・ヘア / The Morning Set, Milk and Spring

状态:114播放   更新:2023-08-23 02:08:19

禁断の秘部・腋毛を発露にして、中年男の悲哀を描き出したドラマ。冴えない中年の会社員・佐々木一郎は、ある日、幼馴染みだった岡部の訃報を知る。彼の死を目前にして、一郎は47年前の生々しい記憶と、初恋の相手・サチの腋毛を思い出す。A middle-aged salaryman is going to meet a young lady called Haru one day. He intends to revive his youthful passion. His friend who grew up with him dies. His friend left him a voice-mail just before dying. The message spoke about their past. The message claimed that he knew the truth about a case that involved the two of them. His friend's message also spoke about his first love - who happens to be his friend's first love too.
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