
原名:The Last Waltz   又名:

状态:184播放   更新:2023-06-06 04:06:06

发生在2009年的“黑色星期六”野火事件澳大利亚有史以来损失最惨重的自然灾害。一个中年男子就在这场大火中失去了一生挚爱。十二个月后,受悲恸和梦魇困扰的他重回喜爱的舞厅,恍惚中又看到恋人在舞池里向他微笑着伸出手,两人情深款款的跳起了最后的一曲华尔兹...◎QAFA young man loses his one and only love to the Black Saturday Bush-fires, Australia's worse bush-fire disaster in history. He has lost everything, all that he ever cared for. It's not until twelve months after the disaster that he returns to his beloved ballroom dancing, when he sees his dead partner on the edge of the dance floor. He waltzes with him and says goodbye. Can life ever return to normal?
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