
原名:老房有喜   又名:表妹吉祥

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-23 06:01:01

苏小鹏(苏有朋)从台北来到上海准备接收祖产老房子,消息一号,一贯平静的老房子里顿时风声鹤唳谣言四起,住户都开始打起如意算盘。   老房子里一户家中无男人的三口人家,女主人看重女儿学业,为其找来了四川妹子吉祥作补习老师。吉祥一直想摆脱自己身上的泥土味做个真正的上海人, 然而无论她怎样努力,老房子里的住户仍当她是乡巴佬。但在苏小鹏眼中,吉祥和其它人一样也是上海人,这令吉祥十分开心,开始以上海人的身份带着苏小鹏深入上海的大街小巷,经过朝夕相处,两人生出真情,却遭遇苏小鹏远在台北的父亲的阻拦。Old House Has Joy is a story about the love between Ji Xiang and Xiao Peng. After some obstacles, the couple finally manages to be together, only to realise that Ji Xiang is Xiao Peng's cousin, therefore making them relatives and unable to wed. Running alongside is the story of the couple's Grandparents, with Alec and Vicki taking the roles of that love couple. The series has many great Alec and Vicki moments (as it intended to), but lacks a depthful storyline. Filmed at the same time as Huan Zhu Ge Ge II, Old House Has Joy was mainly intended to further the popularity of the Alec Su, Vicki Zhao pairing, which it did fantastically.
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