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原名:隠し砦の三悪人   又名:

状态:HD   更新:2024-01-21 02:01:15

元龟二年夏,早川的又七(藤原釜足 饰)、太平(千秋实 饰)被困秋月无法返家,只因秋月战败于山名,故山名重兵把守秋月早川的边境以防秋月的雪姬(上原美佐 饰)逃亡。二人在山中遇见了秋月武士真壁六郎太(三船敏郎 饰)和雪姬,并在不知对方真实身份的情况下与其共同运送木柴取道山名向早川进发,只因觊觎藏在木柴里的金条。真壁的计谋帮助四人顺利通过了秋月山名的边关,而雪姬不忍看秋月女子(樋口年子 饰)在山名受辱,命真壁赎之。五人运木柴赶路,忽被四名山名兵盘查。真壁当机立断杀死两人,又飞身上马追杀逃掉的两人。一路追至敌营,遇见了山名武士田所兵卫(藤田进 饰)。二人相见恨晚,较量许久,难分高下……The story follows two greedy peasants in feudal Japan, Tahei and Matashichi, who are returning home from a failed attempt to profit from a war between neighboring clans. En Route they encounter the remnants of the defeated tribe that consists, most notably, of a famous General and a Princess who are hiding out in a fortress in the mountains. General Rokurota Makabe and Princess Yuki need to escape into allied territory with their large supply of gold so that they can rebuild their shattered clan. To do this the Peasants are tricked into helping them, with the promise that they will receive a large share of the gold when the destination is reached. Along the way, the General's prowess is put to the test as he must guide the 4, and later 5 with the inclusion of a freed slave, through close encounters with the pursuing enemy, and out of difficult situations the bumbling peasants manage to get them into.

资源名:The Hidden Fortress 1958 1080p BluRay x264-HD4U




资源名:The Hidden Fortress 1958 1080p BluRay x264-HD4U

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